Where did the time go!

Finding Time in your workday

We always ask ourselves, where did the time go! How do some people achieve so much during a day and how can I do the same. Some of the most productive people in the workforce use some form of time management, whether it’s a simple paper calendar, to an online journal. By using excellent time management, you can improve all your responsibilities efficiently, even when there is “no more time” in the day. Excellent time management is working smart, not working harder!

Try these simple items to a more tranquil workday

1) Find out where you’re wasting your time!

A simple exercise is to track your time precisely for a couple of days. Record in detail what you are doing, from web surfing, emails, social media, phone calls to meetings.

2) Create a time management goal.

An example is if you tend to get distracted with emails, maybe set a specific time of day to check them.

3) Use a tool that will help you track your time.

Whether it’s simple paper planners, to a digital app, stick with it and be methodical in inputting data into it.

4) Prioritise your tasks.

Be sensible about what you can accomplish every day. Start every day reviewing your assignments and every end of the day updating them.

5) Set time limits for completing your tasks.

Having a deadline to tasks encourages efficiency, and mentally block out your other distractions because you have a time limit to finish your work.

6) Learn to delegate your work is very important.

Many of us hold our tasks to heart and not trust any others to be able to carry them out. The secret to success is teamwork, if you delegate, jobs get done twice as fast, and you build a trustworthy team that you can call for other tasks.

7) Be organised with all your digital and paper files.

Have folders, a storage system, and label everything appropriately. This also includes emails to clients, ensure that the subject heading is named accordingly, this helps for future searches.

Follow these simple steps, and it will improve your work days. Good luck!