Procrastination: 7 simple steps to get you motivated


Do you struggle with ‘I will do it later.’ or ‘I’m too tired?’ 

I use to have this problem but not anymore. Each one of us has procrastinated on a task at some point in life. Some people will say it has nothing to do with self-control; if it’s not that, what is procrastination?

Procrastination is an act of carrying tasks forward and not carrying out tasks at their intended time. 

Check out these simple tips and see if you can incorporate them into your daily routine.

Always carry your to-do list with you, use a printable planner.

Printable planners will save you money as they are low cost. You can also pay for a printable planner once and make multiple copies. It will help you get organized through personal planning and brings success in life by getting these tasks done at their given time. Since I continuously refer to my planner, I often carry it everywhere I go.

Taking micro-breaks is essential for the completion of larger tasks

You can refer to this as your mental breather. You will realize that when your mind is too exhausted, your performance on any task becomes hindered. You can use your break time to relax by listening to music or taking a short walk. Be sure to do something that diverts your attention from work but allows you to relax. When you do this, you will come back to the tasks rejuvenated and motivated. Just don’t use this tactic as a procrastination technique!

Always reward yourself for those critical tasks you complete.

Always reward yourself after completing an assignment. Rewarding yourself has to be with your mind; making you feel good will help you get motivated to keep going. For instance, you can treat yourself to a short video, check your social media, or grab that snack in your fridge. These simple actions trigger your mind’s satisfaction section; hence, your look forward to feeling good about completing your tasks, kind of like a dopamine hit!

Setting simple and achievable goals is the best technique to organize your life

Part of the reason you are maybe procrastinating is setting ambiguous and ambitious goals, making the task too intimidating to start. By being realistic and taking the time to break down the plan, it will be easier to get started on all levels of projects, big and small. Check out the SMART goal planning technique!

Creating timelines will keep you on track to the finish line

When you create a timeline, take the initiative of breaking it down further into smaller segments for easy management. These smaller tasks are important mini-milestones toward your larger goals.

Remove yourself away from distractions.

When you get rid of possible distractions before performing any task, the chances are high that you will finish it. Before you begin work, create yourself a haven for being productive. Simple things such as room temperature to even your chair height can be distracting. These distractions can also be with yourself, such as overthinking!

Keep track of how much time you spend on your tasks. 

Time is one necessary aspect that determines your organization in life and whether you will finish a job or not. Time yourself because you might end up overworking or not spending enough time on it. Even though we differ from one another, you should measure yourself for a specific task and avoid burnout.

You now have some great tips that get you organized, plan your life, and achieve success. These few yet essential tips will help you avoid and end procrastination.

Good luck!