S.M.A.R.T. Goal Planning

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Setting goals are essential if you want to succeed in life and business, and goals gives you much needed direction. Try setting milestones and benchmarks to decide if you are reaching your final destination. To accomplish your goals, you need some planning. Research suggests that less than 10 per cent of people never feel that they’ve achieved their goals. If you want to reach your goals you need a plan!

Make sure the goals you set are based on the S.M.A.R.T. guidelines! Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


Ensure your goals are clearly defined and specific. “I want to be super successful” is too vague and lacks clarity. Try instead… “I want to increase membership by 20% in one year” or “hire two new junior staff members in six months” are both specific and measurable.


As mentioned above, your goals need to be measurable for you to know that you have achieved it. What is the meaning of “successful” whereas “increase earnings by $500 a month with side-hustle” is specific and measurable.


Make sure you set goals that are realistic and attainable. Start with little steps and goals and build from there. Each successful goal will set yourself up for the next!


Your goals should be relevant to the course you want your life and work to be. By keeping goals aligned with this, you’ll develop the focus you need to get ahead and do what you want.


Set timelines and deadlines for your goals. These are important as they also contribute to measurable results and let you know when you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

Once you have completed your S.M.A.R.T. checklist, start a list of tasks that need to be completed to reach each of your goals. By writing out the individual steps in a planner, and then crossing each one off as you finish it, you’ll see progress towards your ultimate goal! This is important if your goals are long-term to keep your momentum going.

Remember, goal setting is a long-term adventure, you need to stick with it and stay motivated. Have fun with the journey and your end destination will be a rewarding one.

Happy Planning