Feel Good at Work

Work Life Balance, Feel Good at Work, Yoga at work, yoga

Whether you are working at home or at the office, being productive on some days are tough! I generally follow these simple tips to have a sense of accomplishment each day.

1. Wake up the same time every morning

Waking up in the morning at the same time sets the pace for the day. Have a simple and consistent routine in the morning, I enjoy doing a little yoga for 30 minutes or a quick run around the block. Consistency sets the mindset that you are in control of your day and not the other way round.

2. Take phone call standing up and pacing

If you sit in front of a computer all day, this is a simple thing to do. Aside from the benefits of standing up, pacing and walking actually will deliver more oxygen to the brain and will help you focus and be more creative during your phone calls.

3. Reward yourself at the end of day

Many distractions are facing you every day, TV, Facebook, games, etc… don’t let these distract you. Schedule yourself a time near the end of the day to reward yourself of all your tasks. This way you will have an incentive to get your stuff completed!

4. Snack and hydrate

I know this sounds obvious, but you need to eat! Dehydration and lack of energy are common to many people even in the office. If you have a cup of coffee, have a glass of water after that. Have breakfast, a snack mid-morning, lunch, a snack mid-afternoon, and dinner. Don’t skip these!