Customer Avatar Worksheet


A Customer Avatar is a fictional person who represents your company’s ideal customer.

The purpose of using a Customer Avatar Worksheet is to get clear understanding on who you are marketing to. Until you figure this out, you can’t be sure that your marketing messages are going to be successful. Avatars are often based on real customers.

This Customer Profile Worksheet is perfect to get you started on targeting your ideal customer! Simply print the PDF on A4 or letter sized paper, start writing in tasks and colour out the days.

This type of chart is ★ PERFECT ★ for organizing activities/tasks with “start” and “end” dates, “overlaps”, and visually see progress and milestones on your project! Also great for a student agenda and planner.


A Customer Avatar is a fictional person who represents your company’s ideal customer.

The purpose of using a Customer Avatar Worksheet is to get clear understanding on who you are marketing to. Until you figure this out, you can’t be sure that your marketing messages are going to be successful. Avatars are often based on real customers.



1) Print PDF document
2) Fill in the dates under the days (use more than one sheet for longer timelines)
3) Write in your tasks / activities
4) Fill in the days it take to complete each task


★ easy to view 3 weeks in advance
★ simple black and white printing at home
★ area “notes” and “contacts”
★ easy to file and use with your existing documents!


Project Planner PDF – A4
Project Planner PDF – letter size


Use Adobe Reader (FREE) to view and print, or any other PDF readers. You can download a free reader here:

Please use “Actual Size” when printing, do not “Scale to Fit” page.


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