Build your Brand, Make it Special

Young entrepreneur, start up business, working at home

Some people do not know where to begin when starting their own business. Aside from the usual business plan, an important aspect is your branding. This includes your image through brochures, forms, etc.. to your company tone of voice! Having a strong defined brand helps your business both internally and externally. Below are 5 quick tips to build your brand:

1) Have a GREAT product/service

Before you put time in marketing and branding, ask yourself, is your product, and the value proposition ready for the BIG world? Many people want strong marketing, but their value proposition is simply not good. Do the research, ensure there is a market for your product.

2) Have a COMPELLING story

Craft a compelling narrative / story about your business. This is important in collecting press mentions and creating values and perceptions of your brand to your target audience.

2) Have a MEANINGFUL name

Since the dotcom boom, names are increasingly difficult to come up with. You need to consider if the dotcom URL can be obtained as well. Due to this, many people create really bad names. Take your time to come up with meaningful names that reflect your business brand.

4) Have an AUTHORITATIVE voice

When starting out, it is difficult to establish a client base. It is important to start generating content through social media channels such as a company blog. Having online content will build your audience, and establish a brand presence on the web.


It’s difficult to be perfect all the time, most importantly don’t take things too personally. We are humans, and mistakes do happen, when these happen, address these problems head-on with an transparent and honest manner.

Image credit: BigStock by Shutterstock