Be More Productive by Doing Nothing

become more productive by doing nothing

Taking breaks after a few busy days can lead you to a much more motivated and productive self. We have to admit that even 24 hours a day aren’t enough to complete our tasks. We are always complaining about needing more time, and in that case, one of the things which are being neglected most is our mental health. 

Your brain is a powerful workhorse; it doesn’t stop working even when you’re asleep.

Keeping your head constantly occupied with work can lead to conditions like brain fog, where you lose concentration and reasoning, influencing productivity.

Working harder is not the only way to complete tasks on time. When you are busy managing your work and home, just remember that your mind needs a little rest too.

Here’s how you can be the most productive version of yourself just by doing nothing.

Doing nothing boosts your creativity.

Have you ever noticed the best ideas come while taking a shower or just laying down on the sofa doing nothing? That’s because your mind gets a little rest, and at this time, the creative region of your brain starts to work.

1 – Get connected with nature.

Your brain downtime should involve different activities away from your work. I strongly recommend getting connected to nature. Many studies have shown that getting in touch with nature can enhance cognitive function and increase productivity.

Book that time off, take that vacation; we all need it. This time off provides you with a chance to explore new things and a well-deserved mental break. You will come back with a new spark and increased motivation.

Furthermore, the simplest act of walking will produce endorphins in your brain and let you feel much better and refreshed.  If you live in a place where you don’t have access to parks and nature, get out on weekends other than your area and start your own adventure. These simple nature weekends can improve your productivity immensely.

2 – Take breaks at work.

Ever felt that your brain is just going blank during work? If yes, then know that you are not alone! This happens when you have been multi-tasking for long periods. Simple tips, such as getting up to refill your glass of water, schedule break times in your calendar, or just stepping outside for a few minutes, is all you need to re-charge yourself.

Short breaks during work help relieve your muscles and regain your focus on your tasks.

3 – Try meditation

According to a study, if employees include meditation in their routine, their productivity is boosted by 120%.

Another study at Harvard declared that practicing meditation for at least 30 minutes a day can increase your Hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory.

The topmost advantage of meditation is that it calms your mind. Moreover, if you meditate regularly, you learn to master your emotional impulses and aids in getting rid of temptations. It helps eliminate all the unpleasant thoughts from your mind, which is highly beneficial for elevating your focus, which further enhances productivity at work. 

Have a great week