Customer Journey Map, Customer Experience Map


A Customer Journey Map is a visual representation of your customer’s experience with your brand. This worksheet will help you tell a story about how your customer moves through each phase of interaction. Using this map will help you see at a glance where things are excelling and the stages that need improvement.

This Customer Experience Map is perfect to help you understand your audience, by planning your touchpoints to create the most effective and efficient process for your customers. Simply print the PDF on A4 or letter-sized paper.




1) Print PDF document
2) Fill out your touchpoints (customer interactions)
3) Insert your goals and expectations for each touchpoint
4) Fill in feedback and comments/improvements
5) Colour in overall customer experience/emotion

INCLUDES – A4 and Letter sized

Customer Journey Map-A4.pdf
Customer Journey Map-Lettersized.pdf

Customer Journey Map-A4-FILLABLE.pdf
Customer Journey Map-Lettersized-FILLABLE.pdf


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Please use “Actual Size” when printing, do not “Scale to Fit” page.