Good Habits for Productivity

habit tracking, healthy living, productivity at work

Being productive affects all aspects of your life. From business to personal, it is vital to have, build and maintain good habits. Life only gives you an infinite amount of time; we deserve to take full advantage of it! Use a habit tracking chart and list off a few good habits and track how you do for a couple of days, weeks, or a month. If you can stick with it for at least seven days, you know it is an achievable “good habit”.

If you are ready, follow these simple good habits towards a better mental and physical self.

1. Build a consistent morning routine

The key here is to wake up at the same time every day (weekends too) and begin with a steady routine. A routine will help give you the most fabulous start to a day. Start with a glass of water first thing in the morning, and a healthy breakfast.

2. Create a daily to-do list

Having a to-do list every day creates a structure for the day and sets milestones for achievements. Review your list at the end of the day and prepare it for the next before you leave work.

3. Take scheduled breaks!

Remember to take a scheduled 5-minute break every 25 minutes. Breaks can be a straightforward stand-up and stretch or even a look away from your screen. Science has proven that small diversion breaks can help productivity.

4. Have a water bottle on your desk

Always have a glass of water on your table and sip regularly. Water is excellent for the body, and the frequent bathroom trips are good for you as well!

5. Handle under 5-minute tasks for the day

Sometimes a list can get overwhelming with a million items, look at your tasks, if it can be handled in under a few minutes, just do them and move on. This will create a sense of accomplishment to keep the momentum rolling.

6. Create a weekly to do list

Have a weekly to-do list prepares you for upcoming tasks. Items can be carried over a couple of days, and a weekly list can assist you to ensure that these larger tasks are adequately managed.

7. Have a passionate side project

Having a side project is essential. Research states that your true persona is reflected in leisure rather than the workspace. Make time to spend a little time towards a side project.

8. Call a friend or family

I have a hard time doing this when I am busy, but this is one of those items that we must never fall short on. Our close circles are essential to have for support and life balance.

9. Do some exercise

This one can be hard for many people, but this is important for everyone. Our bodies are made to move, not to sit for hours in front of a desk. Set up a routine to go for a walk and elevate your heart rate for at least 10-15 minutes daily. This help get the blood flowing from your body to your mind.

10. Write a daily gratitude list

There are many things we want in life, but we don’t appreciate what we already have. Make a simple habit of writing down things you are grateful for every day. You will be surprised how this simple practice can change how you see your goals and achievements in life.