Good Habits for Productivity

habit tracking, healthy living, productivity at work

Being productive affects all aspects of your life. From business to personal, it is vital to have, build and maintain good habits. Life only gives you an infinite amount of time; we deserve to take full advantage of it! Use a habit tracking chart and list off a few good habits and track how you do for a couple of days, weeks, or a month. If you can stick with it for at least seven days, you know it is an achievable “good habit”.

If you are ready, follow these simple good habits towards a better mental and physical self. Continue reading Good Habits for Productivity

Smart Brochure Design

brochure design, smart design, effective brochure design tips, brochure how to

Creating a brochure can be a big task. Aside from the design of the brochure, many factors can affect your sales and the response from your viewers. These 6 tips can ensure that you create an effective marketing tool.

Continue reading Smart Brochure Design

What Mega Pixels?

We often get asked about this alot! Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, and email are great ways to share photos, but at some point you’ll probably want to make a print of that image.

Whether you print it at home with your desktop printer, send to an online service, or go to a commercial printer, you’re going to have to size your image correctly! Hopefully the chart below will clarify things a bit 🙂

Continue reading What Mega Pixels?