Building an Effective Resume

waiting for interview_resume_title

Writing or updating your resume is not one of those items we keep top of mind. However it is important to always keep it updated and relevant. Below are 3 simple pointers that will attract more interviews and ensure your resume does not get tossed into the discard pile.

1) Format Resume Effectively

Generally once a resume arrives at a hiring manager’s desk, your resume has a “20 second elevator pitch!” It is important to have a logical and easy to scan layout to ensure your key strengths are highlighted. Use a resume template or have a designer do the layout for you. As a rule of thumb, your resume should not exceed more than 2 pages (aside from the cover letter).

  • Always use bullets to highlight important achievements
  • Use a simple design with easy to read headings
  • Ensure you use your bolds and italics to call out important details

2) Showcase Achievements Not Titles

Hiring managers look for candidates that are “solutions for their company”. Keep this in mind when you build your resume.

  • In your description, focus on what you achieved in your past job, this way the hiring manager can relate to how your solutions can apply to theirs
  • Don’t use generic achievements that can apply to all employment postings. Focus on achievements that they can relate to

3) Build Resume To Your Industry

Design / marketing industries seek different types of resumes than financial business industries. Be aware of creative licenses in the design of your resume, some industries may be turned off by creative resume designs.

  • It is best to be simple in your resume designs
  • Highlight your key talents to give the hiring manager the big picture of your marketability
  • Ensure concise writing and avoid too much industry jargon