5 Steps for Making a New Year’s Resolution


Keeping your goals on track in 2020 is arguably one of the most projected New Year resolutions today. Every year, individuals come up with realistic, achievable goals, as well as unrealistic unachievable goals for the age-long culture of making New Year resolutions. While some may fail to follow up on their resolutions with all the online tools available, others have been very successful with writing it down with a pen and a paper on a paper planner.

For the most part, those who carry a journal or paper planner around are more likely to follow up on events, plans and goals as the paper planner serve as a constant reminder of their goals.

Paper Planners

Paper planners have been around for quite a while, and individuals the world over have been using them to plan out their lives and achieve stress-free living for decades. Perhaps you might think, “it’s just paper,” Read on and discover our five easy steps that could help you ACHIEVE those New Year resolutions with a paper planner. Here are the five steps for keeping your goals on track:

1. Get a paper planner

That may not sound too fun, but that’s the place to start. You can get this done with your phone, but then nothing beats writing it down with a pen and paper. So get yourself a good paper planner and watch how you are able to track your activities and goals more efficiently over the online formats!

2. Write out your resolution in the planner

Ensure your resolutions are achievable; let’s make sure of that! Write it out clearly and in detail. The clearer your plan is written, the easier it would be to take the next step on the list. The benefits are that you will always be reminded of your resolutions every time you use your planner. 

3. Make a breakdown of short-term goals

After you have written out your resolution, break it into short-term goals that you can achieve to reach your goal. When you have done that, carefully and thoughtfully assign them to months, quarters, weeks or days in your paper planner. 

Writing it down is the key to successful goal planning. It helps you prepare yourself for each short-term goal. If, for example, you have to go to Florida, you would have it written down and would be consciously planning towards it. 

When you break down your resolutions, they become easier to achieve. You won’t see your resolutions as giants anymore, but as a group off little tasks which you can accomplish easily.

4. Check out dates to create a routine

Most of the time, keeping to a New Year resolution involves sticking to a routine. The best way to follow and imbibe a habit is to create one. Regularly review your calendar to see if you are still on track. This keeps your mind focuses on each day and your bigger goals for the future!

5. Keep track

You must decide to keep track of your paper planner. Let it be the first thing you lay your hands on every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed. Review your plans + goals and routines regularly. 

Keeping your goals on track is easier than you think. Follow these five easy steps and watch your life take off in your proposed direction. Cheers to stress-free living